Master Tung Ching Chang has been referred to as the greatest acupuncture master who ever lived. He was born in the Shangdong Province in Northern China. When China was occupied by communists, he moved to Taiwan with Chang Kai-shek's army and settled in Taipei. He was a traditional Chinese physician, famous for the miraculous and spontaneous results he would obtain by using few needles. The acupuncture points and techniques he used are unique while in accord to orthodox acupuncture. In most cases, the patient notices instant relief upon insertion of the needle. From 1953-1975, over 40,000 patients who visited in his clinic.
Master Tung's points were a treasured family secret, handed down and refined over generations. Master Tung was considerate and thoughtful towards his patients and decided to reveal his secret acupuncture system. He was the first one to break his family tradition and began to teach his acupuncture system to outsiders.
He had respect in the Chinese acupuncture field because of his simplicity and effective treatment in all the main areas of acupuncture. Recent studies revealed some of the Tung’s points resemble ancient Indian and Tibetan acupuncture points. Due to the effectiveness of Tung’s acupuncture, most practitioners believe that other ordinary kinds of Chinese acupuncture are not as effective as Tung’s.