Tans Balance Method Style Acupuncture
Li Gan Jian Ying means “stand a pole and see its shadow”. The Balance Method is known in the acupuncture community as a system which gets instant results after needle insertion, normally gone in 30-60 seconds of needle insertion.
Balance method is a series of acupuncture systems rooted in the concept of healing the body by balancing meridians. It was developed by Dr. Richard Tan Based on TCM theory (Meridian theory)Neijing----Contralateral Needling.
We never needle the site of pain it is always distal to the pain, this is the difference between Chinese style and Tans/Tungs method.
My teacher, Dr. Richard Tan is a former aerospace engineer and trained in Martial Arts as a child. Using his traditional knowledge, handed down to him by his teachers as a kid; learning martial arts, the classics, and Chinese medicine from his father and other teachers; he coupled this with his college engineering background, creating a system of acupuncture that is truly genius. This system of acupuncture is the most effective system of acupuncture for treating pain. Balance Method Acupuncture works immediately.