How Treatment Works
To treat any energy imbalances we use fine, sterile needles which are inserted at specific acupuncture points along the meridian pathways. We will concentrate on acupuncture points related to specific organs, based on your unique issues and symptoms.
We may include other related therapies in your treatment plan, such as laser, Acu-graph, cupping, or moxibustion. Herbal remedies are another important aspect of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine, and it is important to understand and follow directions in order to get the most benefit from these treatments.
Your role in the healing process
12 to 24 hours after your treatment be kind to yourself!! As many patients feel good following treatment but they are still in the early days of healing. Your actions are a key component of your treatment plan.
Focusing on your health and committing to a healthy lifestyle are the best steps you can take for your well-being. Together, you and your acupuncturist can heal your imbalances and help you achieve harmony and balance.